'Private Number' Yikes!

  • 12 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Anybody else dread seeing those two words come up on their phone?

When you have cancer, 'private number' or 'number witheld'  usually means someone Medical is trying to reach you.

And its rarely with good news!

In  my case, its usually my Oncologist calling to say there's a problem with my blood test results and that my treatment needs to be put on hold while they get the levels right.

I'm always torn between wanting to ignore it and knowing I have to take the call in case it's something really important

Anybody else feel this way? X

  • Yep, heart in your throat, you know you have to take the call, but feel a part of a club that no one wants to belong to! Keep going, one day at a time. xx

  • Absolutely!  With you on that!  When Jay got his intial diagnosis before we actually knew it was cancer, I kept switching the landline phone off because like you I didn't want to know either that or I would let the answerphone get it then if I wanted, I would call it back or delete but just knew I had to take it. Yes, it's a horrible feeling you want to know, but then you don't. Usually if it comes from the hospital, it's an 08000 number and it doesn't take incoming calls so can't phone it back. Got one yesterday and knew it was the hospital because it began with 08 but it was ok it was the hospital to say Jay was go in and get his PICC line fitted. As my late dad used to say, `sometimes you just have to do what you have to do` and in most cases this would be one of them I think. Take Care. 

    Vicky x