No Women staff at Gynecology ward

  • 6 replies
  • 18 subscribers

I was recently admitted to a Gyne ward for a very personal investigation and treatment. I was appalled to discover that all the consultants available were male AND that all the nurses were also male - how can they allow this to happen?

  • That is awful, I am a retired gynae ward sister and would never allow that to happen. You should have had a female and you have the right to choose.  Bad management at that hospital. Get your family to complain 

  • 20 months ago I was lying on a table legs in strip's having biopsies taken 1 doctor 3 nurses all female, I'm a man, 

  • That is awful 

    must be bad staff shortages 

    you should still have the option though 

    id speak to the hospital pals team 

  • Since I started getting tests for prostate cancer it's appears normal practice to be asked to be naked from the waist down, manly in front of women, camera inserted 3 nurses 1holding my manhood RT seed insertion 2 nurses, a bit embarrassing 

  • Yes, I remember after major lung surgery I couldn't pee which is potentially quite serious but expected. The very nice female nurse gave me a pot to try and while she attended to other things in the vicinity. Needless to say I couldn't so a catheter had to be used - inserted and later removed by another very nice female nurse. I'm sure it's certainly not deliberate but it isn't half embarrassing as you say!

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Whilst there are medical people of both sexes that are decidedly dodge, the vast majority are very professional it's up to us patients to put up with the embarrassment and not worry about the sex of the medics attending to us.