
  • 3 replies
  • 16 subscribers

I have been experiencing tiredness just lately and sleep ok and feel tired when awake all day. Is this a symptom of the operation for my bowel cancer. It is something I have never experienced before. I have made an appointment to see the doctor and hopefully clarify what I am going through.

  • Excessive fatigue does seem to be a common feature for many of us. 

  • , totally normal. Our bodies go through ever so much during all these various treatments so your body wants to recover……. the fact that you have never felt so fatigued before relates directly to possibly never being in a journey like this - be kind to yourself.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Neal, sounds very normal to me.  If you've had major surgery then your body has been through a lot so it's nature's way of making sure you don't do too much!

    I'm presuming you've had a fairly major operation recently?  Obviously talk to your docs about it too.  It should ease off after some months as your body recovers.  X