Biopsies and results

  • 2 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hi everyone,

it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been on here just need some advice please.

I had my colonoscopy after a 2ww due to blood pain ect. They took 14 biopsies during colonoscopy on 3/8 and still not heard back.  I have called consultant and spoke to his secretary Friday 19th she said the results are back but report hasn’t been looked at and to call back this week so I called on Thursday just gone spoke to someone else and they said the biopsies are back but further test with histology are been done and waiting for the results.  

It’s coming into the 4th week on Wednesday and I’m getting to the point of been very fed up as my symptoms are very bad with pain and I don’t know what’s happening can anyone she’s any light on my experience.
