Travel insurance

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hello , My husband has incurable kidney cancer he is taking pazopanib and just had some palliative Radiotherapy,  We seen his oncologist last Wednesday for scan results no change from the scan 3 months ago ( which is positive news as the tumour on his ribs looked so much bigger ) I asked if it would be ok to take him abroad for a week ( something we haven't done for 3 years ) he said as long as we have a good insurance,  all his meds and all his doctors phone numbers , the cheapest insurance I can get so far is  £2200, can anyone recommend a good insurance company with a reasonable price .

Thank you 

  • Hi

    A trip abroad sounds lovely and it's great that your husband's oncologist is happy for this to happen. Unfortunately, as you have found, it can be more difficult to get reasonably priced travel insurance when you've been diagnosed with cancer.

    As the online community is divided up into different support groups I'm going to recommend that you join us over in the travel insurance group which is a great place to look for recommendations. Once you've joined look for the thread called 'recommended travel insurance' as that's where you'll find the majority of recommendations all in one place.

    To join the group just click on the link I've created.


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  • Thank you Latchbrook ,I will have a look now.