Conflicting advice about what is classed as a high temperature!

  • 8 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi there.

On the information literature that was given me on the side effects of Pemetrexed and carboplatin chemotherapy, it clearly says

"Contact the hospital  straight away on the 24 hour contact number you have been given if:   :Your temperature goes over 37.5

However, the chemo alert card says to contact them if temperature goes


For the record, yesterday I was told I'm neutrpoenic, I have a hot to the touch rash and my temperature has gone from 36.9 this morning to 37.8 half an hour ago.

Which info should I take notice of?



  • And would tou phone with a temp of 37.8?

  • Just googled this saying 38 is a sign your unwell not sure if that helps

  • My oncologist said 37.5 so I'd phone them, they'll  put you straight. Be safe not sorry xx

  • I was given a card with this basic guidance to follow.

    A high temperature (over 38°C) or a low temperature (below 35°C) could be a sign of infection which your immune system may be unable to fight.

    Any infection must be treated quickly with antibiotics so please be prepared to be admitted to hospital for immediate antibiotic treatment.

    Please follow the guidance below, but if in doubt, please contact the hospital:

    • If your temperature is 37.5°C, repeat in one hour. If your temperature has increased, whether you feel unwell or not, you must contact the hospital.

    • If you have a temperature of 38°C or above, whether you feel unwell or not, you must contact the hospital immediately. Please do not wait any amount of time before you call us.

    • If you feel unwell but do not have a temperature, monitor your temperature every one to two hours. If you continue to feel unwell, please contact the hospital.

    • If you wake up in the middle of the night with a high temperature, contact the hospital immediately – do not wait until morning.

    • If you feel cold and shivery, even if you do not have a high temperature, please contact the hospital.

    • If you have more than two episodes of vomiting or diarrhoea, or you are concerned, please contact the hospital, as you may become dehydrated quickly.

    • If you start to cough up phlegm, have any shortness of breath or chest pain when breathing in, please contact the hospital.

    • Look for signs of bleeding, such as bruising, bleeding gums, nose bleeds, coughing up blood, or passing blood in your urine or stool. This may be due to a low platelet count. Please call the hospital if you notice any of these signs.

    • If you develop a rash, headache, stomach pain or any weakness, please call the hospital.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • I had a card when I was having chemo.  I was to go to emergency if my temperature hit 38C, regardless of whether I felt unwell or not, and the card listed blood tests which needed to be run urgently, as well as what protocol they needed to initiate before they were able to contact my haematologist.

    I actually did end up with febrile neutropenia once, which earned me a hospital stay.  I don't recommend it.

  • I’ve always been told ring if above 37.5 and feeling unwell as well!

  • I'm on immunotherapy and have always been told 37.5 ring, if yourcwell or unwell xx


  • On my chemotherapy/ radiotherapy red card from the hospital it says 38