Low Mood

  • 15 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi Everyone!

I am trying my best not to make my husband's cancer journey `all about me` but its very hard. Has anyone had this before that they just get up one day and just do not want to be here. This is way I am feeling today. We have been given some positive feedback- sort of! by the oncologist that they are going to get James started on treatment (chemo) for his recurrant bowel cancer and I really do appreciate that that they are actually going to do something for him but today I just feel like sh**t and want to run a mile. I just can't be content with myself that its going to happen and its one of those days I just want to pull the duvet over my head and not come out at all. Everything is an effort today and I just hope its going to lift. I could have seen this happening a couple of weeks ago when we got the devastating news that his cancer was back but I feel I should be greatful not happy but contented that at least they're going to give it another shot at getting this fixed someway. I just can't believe that James is so calm and just seems his usual self the `one liners` and sarcastic comments are back so this is how I know he's ok I think the news we got last week has buoyed him up a bit but I just can't be `me` and feel i'm drawing further and further into myself but there's people who need me James and included and I feel if I go down, they will too. Anyone any tips on this if they've experienced this is why I come on here as I know there will be someone who can give a few tips. Thanks

Vicky x

  • Are you from Scotland Keith?  If so whereabouts.

  • We live in Nairn near Inverness 

  • We're in Glasgow South. We're ok for the hospitals here. The New Victoria, The Queen Elizabeth, Gartnavel and The Beatson Cancer Centre although the last 2 are away over at the west end. The Queen Elizabeth is a bit of a distance too. The New Victoria is just like a `day hospital` if you like there's no A & E or anything like that but they have a minor injuries unit the nearest A & E is at the Queen Elizabeth now. The Victoria used to be a main hospital serving the southwest of Glasgow where we are but they pulled the whole building down and have replaced it with new build flats and moved the new smaller building across the road. 

    Vicky x

  • Sorry can’t give you any tips on lifting your mood - all I can do is send you my best wishes and say I know exactly how you are feeling as my husband going through exactly the same ,bowel cancer discovered through routine tests last year followed by chemo- radiation and then the long wait to see if surgery possible thankfully it was and after successful op in January left with permanent stoma which was fine then few months down the line scan whilst having mop up chemo tablets showed  nodule on omentum and like your husband has to undergo further chemo tablets and infusion - just waiting for dates to start .Keep Strong and I’ll be thinking of you x

  • Thanks Cressie!

    Yeah we see on oncologist this coming Thursday think to give our decision what treatment route to go down the combination of infusion and tablets or just tablets well go with whatever will do the better job though. Just want it to start now n hopefully we'll get some good results. Take Care.

    Vicky x