No idea what’s happening

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Hi all new here so hope I’m in the right place. 
my husband has had a large lump in his neck since last October. 
I finally got him to see a doctor early May this year.

The Gp was great and referred him straight away to ENT. The ENT doc then sent him for an MRI. That was done 12th May.

My husband also had an appointment for a needle biopsy on his neck. A few days after the MRI the needle biopsy was cancelled and an appointment came through to see the consultant. The app for the consultant was cancelled the morning it should have been and he got a phone call a week later saying he was having surgery for a tonsil biopsy none of which we were told about or knew anything about.

He was told on the phone he was having his tonsils out and a biopsy, still no appointment to see the consultant. He went to have the biopsy and tonsils removed only to be told by the surgeon he wasn’t having his tonsils removed just the biopsy. When he questioned the surgeon about why was happening as he hadn’t been told anything he said ‘it’s bad and not straightforward’ and walked off. 
He now has an appointment this afternoon for a needle biopsy and an appointment tomorrow for a CAT scan on his chest. 
We’re still non the wiser as to what’s going on no one will tell him anything over the phone!

Why would he need a CAT scan after an MRI? I assumed they were the same thing. 
Also any advise on getting some info from the docs much appreciated.

We are very worried and scared.