Worried about High Platelets

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  • 14 subscribers

For the past few months I have been experiencing some abdominal and back pain, mainly on my lower left side but it can move around. The GP sent me for bloods and all results were normal, including a CA125, apart from my platelets count which is high, first time it was 535 and now it’s at 575. I’m awaiting a pelvic ultrasound which I have next week and and GP doesn’t seem too concerned. He wanted to wait and retest my bloods in 2 months however due to my anxiety he decided to put me on a 2WW pathway. In order to do this I first have to have a chest x-ray and more bloods to recheck my platelet levels.

I’m absolutely terrified and have convinced myself it’s cancer, in my head I’m thinking ovarian due to pain symptoms and bloating I’ve also started to have. Its going to be couple of weeks at least before I find anything more out now due to waiting for these further tests and I don’t really know how to deal with the anxiety. My husband is being really supportive but he’s also trying to tell me not to get carried away as we don’t know the diagnosis but that’s easier said than done as I’m sure most people here know.

I just wanted to come on and see if anybody has had any similar type experiences or any advice on how to deal with this?

Thanks so much x

  • Hi 

    I'm sorry to read what you've been experiencing over the last few months and it's natural to assume the worst and think that your symptoms mean that you have cancer. 

    Having had two different types of cancer myself I know how hard it can be to, as your husband says, "not to get carried away". However, I would say that you need to find something that helps you cope with the waiting that any type of diagnosis involves. For me that means immersing myself in things that I enjoy so that I don't have time to sit around thinking 'what if'. Do you have any hobbies or interest that you can spend time doing?

    Lots of people swear by mindfulness and if this is something that you'd like to explore clicking here will give you more information. If you find that your anxiety is impacting on your day to day life then please speak to your GP who should be able to help you.

    Someone much wiser than me once said to me that "worrying doesn't change the outcome but it does ruin the present".

    I hope you'll be able to come back here and tell us all that your symptoms were completely benign.

    Sending (((hugs)))

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