
  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to see if anyone on here has had counselling during their treatment and if they found it helpful? I made the call last week to be referred for the BUPA counselling, I’ve been putting off for a while but I feel I really need someone to talk to outside of friends and family! Waiting for an assessment, but hoping it won’t be long and it will help

  • Hannah1996, I believe counselling always helps. It's good and easy to talk with someone who isn't involved in your diagnosis or treatment.  It's a safe space for you to be totally honest which we need when coping with cancer.  It's a gentle therapy, timed(so you know there's an end to the session-usually about 40 mins) and you do usually get someone lovely.  

    Just enjoy it as a bit of "me "time xxx

  • Hi Hannah

    Counselling can definitely help some people and like you said it sometimes just helps to talk to somebody a bit more neutral.

    I am in a bit of a strange position as my mum is trying to be a counsellor so I am aware of a lot of the different techniques that they are taught. 
    whilst you’re waiting for an assessment it might be worth a look and the BACP website
    depending on what comes out of BUPA you may be able to find a counsellor on there instead, otherwise there is just information about receiving counselling on there as well