Brain tumour and pregnancy

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  • 12 subscribers

Ongoing treatment and pregnancy

My partner had a brain tumour removed earlier this year. He has has radiotherapy and is now undergoing 6 cycles of pvc. We have just found out that I am pregnant (happened before chemo began).

We both want children and had gone through the process of making sure it was an option after treatment however this has happened as an accident and we are both excited and scared! He is struggling with fatigue from treament and obviosuly he likely to continue as the treatment goes on so it seems mad to go ahead with the pregnancy.

However it is something we both want and feel like we have to try to move forward with life that the treatment works and that their will be no further regrowth for years to come.

Are we mad for going ahead with this and does anyone have any advice on havinf/raising children so soon after treatment?

  • Hi 

    No wonder you are excited and scared. It is a very weird situation to be in. However I am sure there are lots of others who have been through it and come out the other side. I notice you are a member of this forum and the Brain Cancer one , but you might get more responses from the Friends and Families group and maybe the "life after cancer" forum. I have no experience to offer, but if you are both keen to have a child, then all I can say is there is no right time - life throws all sorts of things at us, as you know and we cant predict the future. I would suggest looking carefully at the practical stuff which would make the decision easier - who is in your support network for instance. Maybe speaking to a counsellor might help too. Whatever you decide, good luck to both of you. xx