Feeling lost and low

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Hi, I’m new to this and I’m not even sure if I’m on the right page, as it’s quite overwhelming the amount of different forums to choose from. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 36. This was in 2005. I went through gruelling chemotherapy and radiotherapy and thankfully pulled through to tell the tale. A year ago I started to get unwell with bloated stomach and severe pain that came and went. I went A&E and was told I was fine and it was irritable bowel syndrome. The symptoms became worse and I contacted my doctor who had a out of hours doctor to call me, who basically said it was IBS and to stop wasting his and my time. Christmas it came to a head and I was taken into hospital. I was told (in a isolated room on my own) that I had cervical and stomach cancer! My world has been turned upside down since and I’ve started having chemotherapy and I’ve had my operation to remove my ovaries and the tumours in my stomach. My health has since deteriorated and I now have clots on my lungs and I struggle with my breathing. My heart rate is so high I’m now under a heart specialist to try and find out the reasons why. I’m sorry for my long story but I needed to put this all down so I can explain how I’m feeling and why. I’ve recently started to suffer from extreme anxiety, to the point I cannot breath. The paramedics have been out to me so many times through this and I’ve been admitted to hospital on several occasions. I’ve always had control of my life and was working 80/90 hours a week, prior to falling ill. I would say the panic attacks/ anxiety is worse for me than all the above. I really don’t know what to do or where to start with my anxiety. I’ve tried different strategies, but nothing seems to work. My chest tightens and then I feel I’m gasping for air. My husband is my full time carer and the anxiety heightens if he needs to go out anywhere, to the point now that we have to order shopping in and he only does short runs to the local shop. I was just wondering if someone could advice me as I’d love to get back to who I was. I feel so completely lost and not sure where else to turn. I live my days waiting for a attack to start as there seems to be no rhyme or reason for it other than the one connection with my husbands absence. I’d be so grateful for some advice or guidance. Or if anyone else on here suffers or feels like this. Thank you. And sorry again for the long story….

  • Hi ,

    So sorry you find yourself in this situation, and it is not really suprising that you are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. You are not alone with that - loads of people suffer from panic attacks. Understanding what is happening in your body is key to getting some control. There are lots of resources out there - try the Mind website (a-Z of mental health for a leaflet on panic attacks). Learning breathing techniques can head them off- you say you have tried various strategies but dont say what they are.Your panic is understandable, and although it feels like it comes out of the blue, it is the body reacting wirh an adrenaline surge in response to a stimulus which may be a very simple thought. The problem is the adrenaline has nowhere to go, as you are not in a physically threatening moment but your body reacts as if it is , so you breathe faster and shallower, heart pounds, pins and needles sometimes and you have the wrong levels of Carbon dioxide v oxgen in your lungs and that is why breathing techniques can really help, once the body calms down the mind does too. .  A good therapist can really help and there are helplines like No Panic who can offer support and advice. The Mcmillan helpline might also be a good place to start. Your story is horrible, and you have been dealt a poor hand, but hopefully surgery and chemo will help you to reduce tumours, and your panic will subside.

    You say the site is confusing, and you are right - but explore and join the cancer specific forums and also any of the cancer experience forums which may be useful. Some have more activity than others, so wathc out for that - posting on a fairly inactive site can get no responses, and that can make you feel more alone.

    Good luck with it all
