Weight loss

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for some advice for my father in law.

He is currently having treatment for throat and lung cancer (lung is untreatable) he is having chemo at the hospital and through a pump.

Since he has been having treatment he has not been able to eat properly and has lost a worrying amount of weight, he says that it’s the taste of things that he can not stomach.

His GP have prescribed meal replacement shakes but he can’t have them either.

So what I am asking really is… has anyone had the same problem? Can anyone advise what to try and eat that can help or have helped them.

Thank you for taking the time to read Blush

    1. If he's struggling he could ask for an Ng tube. He can put the shakes down that & wouldn't taste them. Another longer term option is to have. RIG or PEG fitted. He could be fed overnight via a pump. I had one fitted for 6 months whilst having treatment for mouth cancer. 


  • FormerMember

    I have throat cancer and am 13 weeks post treatment. I lost 20 Kilos!

    Tase goes very awry, I couldn't stomach alot of foods, the Fortisip protein shakes were ok at the begining but eventually they made me vomit as they stick to back of the throat. I lived for making my own fish pie with fresh sea bass from Aldi, boil it in a bag, use Aldi white sauce (lasagne) a ton of mature cheddar in it and on top and a ton of homemade creamy mash too. I mashed fish and put on bottom of casserole dish, throw on loads of grated cheese, top off with the white sauce, then mash then loadsa cheese on top. Dip any plain biscuits in tea to eat even if you can't drink the tea. Make fruit smoothies with just about any fruit too. It's not much but it's something. Best wishes