Rare Peritoneal cancer disease

  • 8 replies
  • 13 subscribers

2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Peritoneal disease and also a large tumour in my pelvis area which is also cancer. The tumour has grown into my bowel and womb so they can not operate. Things just seem to be getting worse. I can no longer walk more than couple of steps or bathe myself. I've only just turned 31 and don't no what to expect from it all. Any advice? I feel like I'm losing my mind. I've also lost 2.3 stone in 5 weeks. I have a great supportive fiance at home but feel like I'm putting to much on him. Any help or advice would be amazing.

  • Hi , So sorry you find yourself in this situation at such a young age. No wonder you feel like you are losing your mind. I hope you have other supportvie people around you as well as your fiance. Please make use of the expert help and support lines on this forum, and if you havent, join the peritoneal cancer group who are going to be more knowledgeable than on this more general forum. The link is https://community.macmillan.org.uk/cancer_types/peritoneal-cancer-forum

    Your oncology team are hopefully deciding what to do next, other than surgery - please dont despair as there my be options for you, and hopefully they can get you back onto a more normal way of being.


  • Thank you so much. I will join that community now. I have an appointment tomorrow to find out about the chemo plan so Fingers crossedFingers crossed fingers crossed. Thank you again for you're kind words


  • Hope the appt re chemo went well and you now have a plan, which always makes it easier. I  also hope the peritoneal forum is helpful and they can answer questions about your chemo etc. Please take comfort in that it is not as scary as it seems at first.


  • Thank you for asking. It wasn't the news we was hoping for. It's aggressive stage 4 and terminal. It was quite a big shock xx

  • Hi @Racheal - that must have been a shock . Have they actually said "terminal" or "incurable"? In the shock of the moment it can be hard to hear everything and take it in. Many of us are in the incurable group, which means one day it will become terminal but for now is treatable and like a chronic illness. Please join us on that forum as we are a supportive lot. You have a lot to take in, but when you are ready, seek us out on the Incurables forum under cancer experiences.


  • Yeah I no what you mean. He definitely said terminal with a maximum of 3 years :( xxx

  • Hi Racheal,

    If he said 3 years, then there is still hope. Many of us on the incurables forum have exceeded "sell by dates", some by many years. New treatments, trials etc come on stream every day, so what feels like a death sentence now is not neccesarily so. I am not offering false hope , just saying that I really hope you don't despair. The Incurables group is called " living with Incurable cancer" for a reason. There is still living to do.


  • Thank you. I'll will go and check it out xx