Tearful after hysterectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi , 

5 weeks ago I had a radical hysterectomy ( I kept my ovaries) . I'm struggling so bad with my emotions , i honestly feel depressed. These 5 weeks been such a struggle after op I was quite poorly and ended up in intensive care , after a week in hospital I came home for 4 days then ended back in hospital for another 10days with sepsis. My husband had the first 3 weeks off but obviously had to go back to work . Since him being at work iv had no help from family or friends , iv literally had to really struggle on with the kids and try and do as much as possible when I know I should of been resting. But I just can't seem to stop crying all the time . Iv never been this tearful for this long . I hurt physically, mentally and emotionally.

since being diagnosed with cervical cancer iv honestly felt so alone and isolated, it's like everyone runs from me as they don't know what to say , my husband has literally been my rock , I just loaded him with so much physically I can't bare to emotionally load him to 

  • Hi  and welcome to the Online Community. A cancer diagnosis of any kind brings enormous amounts of stress together with fears of the unknown. Added to which you've had major surgery which has resulted in further need for two hospital stays. Lots are lucky and get away with a couple of days, you've had the equivalent of a shedload of trouble thrown at you, no wonder you feel broken. Now you've made the first step and joined the Online Community you'll find you're not alone on this journey, not any more. We all realise here that sadly family and friends find it hard to deal with the cancer word. We can understand the very raw emotions you are feeling, believe me!

    I'm going to suggest you join the Cervical cancer group where you'll be able to chat to other members making the same cancer journey. Just click on the link I've created and join. Copy and paste this post to introduce yourself, the members will be along soon to chat.

    It's always good to talk to someone and get it off your chest so please call the Macmillan Support Helpline they'll listen and support you any way they can, the freephone number is listed below.

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Cath1989

    Its 6 weeks ago I had a melanoma removed from my nose and neck dissection. Awaiting more scan results before my 1st Oncology appt next Friday. I feel exactly like you although my children are grown. I have wonderful support from them all and my husband but still feel alone. I am so scared of the outcome of my Oncology appt but and so angry that everything takes so long. Are you to undergo anymore treatment?. It would be lovely to hear back from you. I normally consider myself a strong person but this has really broken me