
  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers

My husband is on day 5 of his second chemo treatment. Last time the nausea was bad but this time it seems worse to the extent that he can’t eat it drink anything. I’m worried he’s going to get dehydrated. He has medication but it doesn’t seem to work. Any tips? 

  • Hi Jane

    I'm sorry to read that your husband is really struggling after having chemotherapy. I haven't had this treatment but I understand that he should have a contact card with a number to call his chemotherapy team if he has problems.

    I had a look at your profile and recent activity to see what type of cancer your husband is being treated for as the best place to post this would be in the relevant cancer support group where you'll connect with others who may have had a similar experience. However, I can only find references to your breast cancer, soft tissue sarcoma and bowel cancer diagnoses. I'm so sorry to see that you're going through all this at the same time as your husband is dealing with cancer.

    If you could tell me what type of cancer your husband has I could give you a direct link to the appropriate group. Alternatively you could look through this list and choose the appropriate one to join. Once you've joined you could copy and paste your post from here into a new post there.

    When you have a minute it would be great if you could update your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hi jane. We seem to be using the same account, it has got mixed up somehow. As this is my photo above but not my message? I’ve messaged admin and asked them to help again, as I’d asked before 



  • Hi Jane

    I must admit to be confused by your message that two people called Jane are using the same profile. I can't see how this can happen as you'd both have to be using the same email address and the same password to log on.

    I have flagged this to the Online Community Support Team for them to investigate. In the meantime it might help if you look through this list of activity for the username 'Jane' and let me know which of these messages are from you.

    When you respond perhaps you could identify yourself by saying that you are the 'Jane' who has not put a message on about her husband's chemotherapy.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"