Start chemo/ radiotherapy

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

Hi all, I am starting my chemo/ radiotherapy on Monday after a delay due to waiting for appointments, while I am eager to start the treatment it does make you feel worried, I know that the treatment affects people in different ways, no one is the same,and can only wonder how its going to affect me. The treatment is on my right top of lung and follows an operation earlier in the year where the did a key hole operation to remove the top part of the lung. Just have to wait and see what happens on Monday and beyond.

  • Hi and welcome to the Online Community. Sorry to read you've had a delay in waiting for appointments but good to hear you'll start your treatments on Monday. I have a different type of cancer and haven't had chemo, I had Brachytherapy so I'm sorry I can't offer any insight.

    Whilst waiting for member of this group to answer it might also be an idea to post this thread in the Lung group where I'm sure the members will be along to answer. I've tagged the Community Champ who'll drop by to welcome you no doubt.

    As you say the treatments affect people in different ways, tiredness and nausea the main side effects. Nowadaays very effective anti-nausea pills are given which help a lot.

    I'm attaching some reading material on Chemotherapy for you to take a look at.

     I hope all goes well on Monday.

    Sending hugs, B xx

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