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  • 14 subscribers

hi does anyone know how the decision is taken which drugs we take post surgery? 

  • Hi . I just dropped by and notice your post. Good question - As none of us on here are medical experts (Although we all ultimately become mini-pharmacists!) it might be best if you put the question to Ask a Nurse here on the forum though you'll need to allow two or three days for a reply.

    Obviously any drugs you are on for pre-existing conditions will be taken into account and they have to think about contra-indications etc. Hope you get an answer soon.

    All the best, B xx

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  • Hi , you have a different cancer than me, at my hospital the multidisciplinary team (surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, nurse) meet and talk about my case and they discuss the options and then a few days later I have an appointment with my oncologist to talk about the options and together we decide what is best. After all I have to be involved in the decision as I have to sign the paperwork for my treatment, with my cancer sometimes there are options with various success rates and with differing severity of side effects so it’s good to hear the teams take on things based on my case history, if they want me to decide and I’m finding it difficult, I ask what is their preferred option for me and why. 

    There's a link below about breast cancer which is the group I see you joined so I’m assuming I’ve picked the right cancer and you may have read this already so my apologies if you have.

    I don’t know anything about your options so as  says ask a nurse could be a good place to start, or possibly ask for experience in the breast cancer group, they might need a bit more info in your question to help you further though. One way to do that is to do a profile, you click on your user name, edit profile type away and save. My profile is very long if you click on mine, as I’ve 6 years of cancer, I should probably edit it again to make it shorter, but a profile is very personal, I find it helps me come to terms with things when I write and alter mine, and I hope it helps people with my cancer coming behind me in time with similar experiences or questions. The breast group members will be able to give their experience of what they have had for their type of breast cancer, 

    I hope you find the info or experience that you are looking for.

    Take care KT

  • Hi KTatHome, brilliant and informative answer and thanks for the link.take care and thanks for sharing xxx