Greek yoghurt

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi I'm due to have my 4th session of chemotherapy nxt Friday the 24th July for breast cancer I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard that Greek yoghurt is actually good for you and has anyone or does anyone actually tried these, also manuka honey. Thankyou.

  • Hi Lainey66, I am not sure about Greek yoghurt, but I have local honey every day in a glass with hot lemon. 

    If you go to the search bar at the top of the page, and search manuka honey, there are actually quite a few discussions on the site. Some are a few years old, but are interesting reading. 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

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    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Chellesimo thankyou for your reply I will look this up about manuka honey. Best wishes to you Heart