General health

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Hi everyone. Haven't been on for some time and just want to chat about my experiences.

In 2018, I was diagnosed with CNS Lymphoma. I had 4 rounds of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant between my local hospital and UCLH.  Me being me  I ended up being very ill and spent 3.5 weeks in Critical Care at the end of 2018, beginning of 2019. I was eventually well enough to be transferred from UCLH to my local hospital and then home. 2019 continued fairly well. I was seeing various health professionals and even went to my local hospice one day a week, which I thouroughly enjoyed

I've now regressed unfortunately and am having to have numerous tests. I am in remission. I have had a rash on the right side of my face for over a year which I am seeing a dermatologist for. No one seems to know what it is! Also pains in my legs which I am booked in for x rays this week, with a possible lumbar puncture looming. I have various other problems but I find it hard to talk to anyone about it, because I am in remission.

I'm sorry for rambling and hope this is ok to post. I just want someone to talk to.