I had a biopsy 7 days for a lump in my neck. The lady that did the biopsy said 7 days for results. But I received a letter the day before the biopsy for a follow up appointment with the consultant I spoke to on tge phone for the intital assessment. And that’s not for another 3 weeks. I don’t know wether to phone and see if results are back or even if they would tell me over the phone
Can anyone advise me. The wait is intolerable and I even thought of paying private and having the test done again. To hopefully get a quicker result
I know how stressful waiting for results can be having been there myself on several occasions. You could phone the consultant's secretary to find out if your results are back yet but I know from experience that it is unlikely that they will be allowed to tell you what they are over the phone.
I found the best thing to do while waiting for results was to spend as much time as possible doing things that I enjoy. That way I had less time to stress over what might or might not be. You might find this information on how to ease worry when waiting for medical test results useful to look through.
I know it's easy to say don't worry but all the worry in the world won't change the results but it will ruin the time between now and when your appointment is.
Hi Shellw
I know what you are feeling but def agree with latchbrook distraction is the best way forward. Otherwise you will just work yourself up and get more stressed.
My biopsy results I thought would take 2 weeks however it was then sent to another hospital which was another 2 weeks. I found this out from one of the nurses in the team so it might be worth a call but you won't necessarily find out the results. My results were inconclusive so I have had surgery a couple of weeks ago but now waiting again for the biopsy. I have 2 weeks more of waiting.
I find getting out and about is good for me and cleaning weirdly lol
Fingers crossed and relaxing thoughts to you x
Thank you
I am making myself Ill. Sleeping just a few hours a night. Googling all day, which is so bad, can’t eat I called my GP today but not doing face to face and the next telephone app was for 2 weeks.
I will try to occupy my mind.
thank you
I KNOW exactly how awful this is ️ I had My post op 2 yr check, CT scan followed by ‘phone appt. They said they’d like to see me (unusual due to Covid restrictions). I rang back, I was beside myself, and they said an ‘abnormality’ had shown on the scan. Anxiety goes into overdrive etc. However, attended hospital and I was to have EBUS, I quizzed the poor doctor (not seen her before), shocked both her and my attending daughter with my questions. As I told both of them, “If I know then I can cope, whatever the outcome”. The procedure was “unpleasant” (had Endoscopy - both ends previously,lol, no probs, but this was quite different. I survived, had an amazing nurse with me. Luckily, just an infection, not a return of cancer, PHEW. All that worry. But the answers I received when I insisted on knowing my options either way REALLY helped my anxiety. So if you can take the worst case scenario, then ASK. I don’t consider myself ‘strong’ or ‘tough’, just a NOSEY 68 year old who needs to know. Just coping with “after effects”, cough, sore throat etc, but it’s NOTHING. I’m still here AND breathing lol. I have to keep the humour or else ...... Good thoughts, hugs and good luck to everyone suffering, attending Chemo or awaiting results. You are all brave people who CAN do it, just believe in yourself AND your medical team.
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