Do I ask or will they think I’m stupid?

  • 10 replies
  • 13 subscribers

I went to my doctors last week due to a lump in my breast, I was having burning pain and started getting discharge.

saw my dr who confirmed a prominent lump and found another/something in my same side armpit. dr confirmed they are confident it’s not a cyst and will be looking at biopsy, 

Got an urgent two week appointment at suspected breast cancer clinic next week.

ive now found another lump on my jaw bone about the width of a small marble although not as raised....

obviously I’m now on full on panic! Do I ask them about this at my appointment or will they think I’m an idiot wasting their time.

I don’t want to bother my gp again when they have been so good.

Other than a burning weepy boob I feel okay other than exhausted, it’s been a running joke amongst everyone who knows me how tired I am the last few months even after sleeping 12 hours a night, give it an hour I’m ready to sleep again and yawn although work till I struggle to drive home for bed.

I am only 34 so I know the chances should be on my favor but as a teen I had non cenerous tumor removed from my arm although would the two even be linked? Sorry for the essay; the lump in my jaw has set my head off a million miles an hour again 

  • Hi Yeahuloveme

    Welcome to the forum and sorry that you are facing a cancer diagnosis. I would mention the lump on your jaw bone at your appointment if only for your own peace of mind.

    I hope things to well for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Daisy53

    Thank you, I will see what they say. 
    Week to go and I should have a better idea :) time goes so slowly waiting for your appointment xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yeahuloveme. As far as i am concerned, there are NO stupid questions when it comes to your health. Always ask all your questions - what the worst thing that can happen if you ask? I reckon a lot less worse than you regretting not asking the questions. (My opinion).
    good luck with your appointment, and i hope that the lump in your jaw is nothing serious (would it be worthwhile seeing a dentist too?)
    take care

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you, 

    I am currently still at the hospital. They have found issues with my lymph nodes in the same side armpit. 
    had my core biopsy’s done. Waiting to speak to a specialist and back next week.

    they were really nice and gave me a hug as I www really crying and obviously alone.

    my granddad died on Wednesday. I needed today to go well Sweat

  • Hi Yeshuloveme

    Sorry to hear that they found issues with your lymph nodes and about your Granddad’s  death. It must have been a huge shock.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your biopsy.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Daisy53

    Thank you Pray, just another two week waiting game. Ironically they were less concerned about the lump in my breast and said they will see what this comes back as before biopsy on my breast. 
    there is still a chance it can still be fine, so we will hold on to that for now :) xxx

  • Hi Yeahuloveme

    Forgot to ask yesterday, did you mention the lump on your jaw bone?

    Best of luck with your results in two weeks time.

    Daisy xxx

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Daisy53

    Hi Daisy, I did, they stated they couldn’t biopsy it there but recommended it go back to my dr to be transferred for biopsy as well, it’s another lymph node that needs checking.  I have my drs appointment on Friday as well as my smear. Get everything checked then hopefully I can relax in two weeks although I will be checked in three months even if it comes back is their recommendation atm. Obviously results can change that but fingers crossed xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Daisy53

    Hi, I saw my gp, they have given it a 2ww to be tested as expected. She let me have a quick look at the hospitals notes, so the main lymph nodes they were worried about are 1cm, have no fatty helium? And surrounding ones had a thickened cortex of 5mm? I don’t know what this means though, she said we will know more once the results come in, they did say dependant  on biopsy results they recommend surgical biopsy on my breast. 
    just a waiting game now. My armpit is a lovely shade of red purple and black and rather sore but that’s nothing compared to what others are going though so I should be greAtful 

  • Hi

    Glad to hear that you saw your go and that you are going to have the lump on your jawbone tested. Hopefully it will be ok.

    I hope your armpit won’t be painful for too long.

    Best wishes and take care of yourself.


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