Mass in abdomen/uterus area and high platelet count?

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  • 12 subscribers

I’ve had the mass in my lower abdomen/uterus area for at least 5 years.  I didn’t have any pain or other issues.  Now I get some stomach rumbling but not much else.  The mass feels hard and large.  But I am also about 40 lbs overweight which I’m trying to lose.  My stomach does stick out but not sure it’s all weight or also the mass.  My liver has had a mass on it for years also.  Anyways my blood test have usually been normal.  But now they are off.  Results below (first number mine ex hemoglobin 11.4, and then the ratio after that)  my hemoglobin usually is around 14 or 15 now it’s close to being low   Also the MCV, MCH, and MCHC are low   . The dr thinks it could be due to recently having my period but idk   She also thinks the mass is probably fibroids but I read online if your platelets are high, which mine are, that’s a sign of cancer.  I have to get a cancer marker blood test and also CT scan with contrast.  Yes I know I’ve put this off for years but not much I can do about it.  I don’t have pain and I exercise without issues if if is cancer I don’t think I would treat it   I’m 46 female, no kids.  So my question is, it’s very possible this is ovarian or some type of endo or stomach cancer even though I’ve had these masses for years without issues?  Also is a CT scan with contrast difficult?  

RBC 4.95 3.85 - 5.12 10*6 /uL
Hemoglobin 11.4 11.3 - 15.2 g/dL
Hematocrit 37.1 35.0 - 44.8 %
MCV 74.9 79.9 - 98.4 fL
MCH 23.0 26.9 - 32.2 pg
MCHC 30.7 30.9 - 35.4 g/dL
RDW 14.5 11.2 - 15.9 %
Platelets 478 131 - 340 10*3/uL
MPV 10.1. 9.1 - 12.5 fL
  • Hi

    I'm sorry to read about all you've been dealing with over the last five years or so. 

    You might like to post this in the ask a nurse section of the online community as I'm not sure that any of us have enough medical knowledge to be able to interpret these blood test results. If this is something that you'd like to do then clicking on the link I've created will take you there.

    All the best with your upcoming tests and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't cancer.


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