My dad lymphoma brain metastasis

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  • 12 subscribers

Hi everyone, thank yiu for you continuing support. Has anyone had experience with terminal brain metastasis. My father was diagnosed three weeks ago now and sent hope and we were told to prepare etc. He came out on 16mg steroids and he was fine that week this week he is on 8mg and I was worried we would see a big decline or just something but he is still fully mobile, talking fine my husband is taking him fishing he’s baking his cakes and currently fixing the garden back gate. He is to go on 6mg as of this Saturday but last week when I asked the palliative nurse out right for time frames she said 2-3 weeks take anything over a month as a huge bonus. So for going on I think my main question is since I’m confused even the nurses are amazed that there hasn’t been a decline I’m fully aware it could just happen over night etc but has anyone been in this position where the patient seems absolutely fine even when they should no be and then did you see a slow or rapid decline. It’s horrible waiting but knowing and wondering any hour he may not be able to walk or something. Anyone with any experience of this would be gratefully received thank you in advance.

  • Hi Dusty888, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnoses. I am glad though that he is enjoying his final weeks doing what he enjoys. My step mum had brain mets from lung cancer. We did not know that she was unwell, until she collapsed at home and was rushed into hospital and lung cancer was diagnosed, with mets in kidney and brain. That was in the January. She refused chemo, as she was told it would only prolong life by a few weeks, so she decided to enjoy the remaining time she had left. She was on steroids, so she gained the moon face which is common with steroids, but apart from that you wouldn't of known she was unwell. She always coughed anyway, as she was a heavy smoker, so that hadn't changed. The last couple of weeks she had to be in a wheelchair if she went out, but she still very much wanted to do so. She loved car boot sales, and pushing her around fields was very difficult, but she just laughed and joked about it. The last week of her life she was in a bed in the lounge. Once that happened she very much gave up really.  She passed in the April which was half the time we were expecting, we were initially told 6 months. 

    Watching a loved one go through this is indeed the worst thing imaginable. You feel utterly useless, all you can do is be there for your Dad. Try not to think too much about what is going to happen, and enjoy the time you have. 

    Sending you lots of strength to help cope with the time ahead. 

    Take care. 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

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