Recent diagnoses. SOMETHING POSITIVE

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  • 13 subscribers

Hi everyone

It’s been such a really tough year for everyone of us. Some of us have found it more difficult than others and have received life changing news, so I thought it might be nice to write something positive on this miserable Friday evening. 

I found a lump in my breast at the end of the autumn, which was a great ending to a rubbish year. I was seen the very next morning by my GP and referred to our wonderful breast clinic here in Brighton. After mammograms and a biopsy my worst fear was confirmed.  I was quickly fitted in for a lumpectomy and soon after for radiotherapy. Towards the end of winter everything was done and dusted! No holdups that everyone told me I would get ‘because of Covid’. 

I cannot believe how quick, straightforward and relatively painless everything has been. All of my worries about surgery, post surgery, radiotherapy, after effects of radiotherapy etc etc were for nothing. Having my appendix out was much worse and took me much longer to recover from. 

Good luck to those of you who have had your worst fears recently confirmed. The secret is to take everything a day at a time. Rest plenty and let us all look forward to great Covid free times ahead. 

  • Hi

    Thanks very much for taking the time to share such an uplifting post Slight smile

    I wondered if you might also like to post it in the breast cancer group as I'm sure newly diagnosed people there would love to read about a positive experience. If this is something you'd like to do then clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there.


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