Throat cancer

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  • 12 subscribers

I'm 3 years treatment but still suffering from the side effects of fatigue, chemo brain and restless legs among other things. It's the restless legs that is causing the biggest problems, sleepless nights of climbing walls and kicking anything solid to take my mind of it. I have been given 1.5 mg Roprinol by my doctor which does help but that makes me nauseous and knocks me out. Trouble is I have to take them about 5.00 or they don't work and the above kicks in within 25 mins. Has anyone tried anything else for the legs. Thanks

  • Hi Gordie welcome to the forum and sorry to hear how difficult things are for you that does sound awful for you and getting no sleep will not be helping you feel well either so its a vicious circle.

    I havent heard of anything that would be of use but I wonder if one of the nurses on here might be able to help with some ideas for you and I have included the link in here to take you straight there you just need to click on it and post in that forum.

    Ask a Nurse Link

    Sorry not to have been of more help for you at this time.  


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