Please allow for different opinions - all patients matter

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers
The more I think about it, the more I am sure the lockdowns are a huge mistake in human history.  Covid-19 is NOT the only disease in the World, to suddenly put everything else in jeopardy ruining so many lives is just incomprehensible.

Flu viruses have been around mutating, spreading and killing throughout  history (just that most people were not aware of the global statistics. Other illnesses like heart diseases and cancer are much more serious). Flu viruses will continue to behave the same way after we are long gone (H1N1 2 3 4 5 ... has it ever stopped?). They are part of Nature that we have to learn to adapt and co-exist.  There is no cure, only bed rest and a strong immune system.  Flu viruses keep mutating, it's impossible to create bullet proof vaccines.
To claim that the politicians are able to eliminate flu viruses through lockdowns is just preposterous.!  The politicians impose non-sensical draconian measure as if they own the Earth. They have forgotten they are there to work for us, not the other way around.

The politicians have caused the economy to collapse. This in turn affect patient care, in a big way.  The UK politicians are too rich and too selfish to care or understand the consequences of their antics.  The hypocrites say we MUST sacrifice, while they themselves continue to go to work with a big fat salary!   Why? They then pretend to be so generous to increase benefits, not out of their own pockets, just taking it back from robbing us through: high taxes, inflation and negative interest rates etc.

If to carry on, nobody is safe.

Yes flu viruses are dangerous, people need to be careful as always. Vulnerable patients have been self-shielding anyway. There are also other measures we can take like PPE and better logistics in shops and offices. Protection has to be on a personal level.

People need to come to their senses and tell the politicians to stop, don't let them cause any more deaths. Only the politicians can call off the pandemic. No-one else can.

All patients matter.
  • Hi Superhealer,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, one thing is certainly true, there is an underlying level of frustration across the land at this time which is adding to negative mental health and emotional issues.

    The pandemic has had an effect on us all in one way or another and I hope that soon, people will feel safe to visit their loved ones, hug their grandchildren/children, and generally feel better about the world that they live in.

    But I totally agree with you. All Patients Matter!


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  • I saw your post 2 weeks ago SuperHealer but I could not think of a supportive comment at the time.

    I think I was confused by your message.I felt you were giving a political / economic rant about the job of politicians and I feel there is a better place for it to be aired, it called The room. Below I will give you a link for it

    I felt that by referring to flu that you were not taking the much more serious danger of Covid19 seriously, that perhaps your post was a wind up. I hope I’m wrong, but you shared no person experiences just a voice of frustration that I felt hard to understand.

    I wasn’t sure if you felt that only covid patients were being cared for and not cancer patients when I feel that cancer patients are being protected by the hospitals because they are more vulnerable to Covid. I’m a cancer patient on immunotherapy I’m giving extra blood samples for tests before and after the vaccine to help the hospital research teams. I am not feeling that cancer patients don’t matter or heart patients, nor that mental health doesn’t matter, but that a very difficult juggling of priorities is going on led by scientific data. I do hope the next months will seem to pass not so slowly though. My sister passed away suddenly a month ago and a funeral over the Internet and no personal gathering to celebrate her life and lift peoples moods was really hard, so I hope things improve socially for people soon, but I have no blame for politicians.

    Take care KT

  • Hi KT, no, it was not a wind up.  One year on, my view has not changed.  In fact, after seeing the consequences, I'm now more certain than ever.  I was just glad that the politicians eventually did a sharp U-Turn a while ago.  Unfortunately, the damage was done for most of us.  Now we have something else they have cooked up for us.

    However, I do respect other people who are equally entitled to have their different views.  The way how we protect ourselves should be a personal choice.