Feeling helpless

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

Hi everyone. 

This is my first time joining any type of support group so this is all new to me. 

Last year my mum was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer she had to have 2 operations and 3 weeks of radiotherapy. In  January 2021 she started to become very breathless and started coughing a lot, which was not like her at all. She went to the doctors and they sent her to have tests. She found out the cancer had spread to her lung, liver and spleen and had been determined un-curable. This was the biggest shock ever. 

She is undergoing treatment but I just can't help thinking how long I have left with her. I feel like the only person going through this (but I know I'm not) I don't have any friends or even know anyone going through the same thing as me. 

I feel so helpless because I cant do anything or make her feel better. I would love to hear from anyone going through a similar thing to what I am and hear about how to stay positive when all you can think about is the person you love most in the world suffering and passing away. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • Hello X0X, I’m sorry to hear about your Mum and how your feeling at the moment. I wondered if you had come across the family and friends group yet ? There are a number of conversations in their at the moment from people going through similar experiences. I will put the link in below for you to click on and have a look at and perhaps join in their conversations or perhaps copy and paste this one in there.


    I am not sure what I can say to you, I had my own incurable diagnosis, but that was over 5 years ago now, I’m still on treatment but don’t feel incurable at the moment I just feel like I have a long term illness, which is very different from when I was first diagnosed. I hope someone who identifies with your experience pops along soon but if not you will find them in the family and friends group I’m sure.

    Take care KT