Worried for my dad

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

About a week and a bit ago my dad went for a lung ct scan which was one of them volunteering ones, a research study, there was no symptoms or anything he was just asked if he'd like to do it and he agreed because he's a smoker. The doctor called him the very next day and said there was some abnormalities in the scan and to go in for a follow up, when he went in the doctor said at the bottom of his right lung there's like a white circle or shadow. He said it's more than likely that's it is looking like it is cancer but he can't be 100% sure without more tests. So he's booked in for a biopsy on Wednesday that's still another 5 days to go and the waiting is horrendous I feel like the days are going even slower I think the not knowing is worse. I hope to god fingers crossed it's something that's just benign. I was just wondering if anyone else is going through something similar to this with themselves or a family member? 

  • Hello and welcome to the community, although sorry to hear your dad suspects lung cancer. Good to know you are supporting him here. The possibility of any cancer diagnosis can be very scary, not just for the person involved, but also the family. Because of the uncertainty and not knowing, we tend to speculate and think the worst. On a positive note, your dad is fortunate to have volunteered for a scan as many cancers can be treated successfully, and the earlier found the better. Could I suggest you join the Lung Group . If you join the group and post your concerns there, the members with experience of this will be able to offer advice on what to expect as regards tests etc. Click the highlighted link to get to the group. You may like to copy and paste your above post in the group. Any problems finding your way around the site, click the reply button below and ask. As regards the waiting. This is something we never get used to and we know how stressful the waiting can be when you just want to get on with things. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you so much for taking the time to respond I’ve joined that group now, I like to stay positive and hope everything goes well. Take care during these unprecedented times. 

    Best wishes to you