Treatment experience

  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi All,

After spending 4 years receiving all clear messages and positive messages from scans and bloods used to monitor me, I received a shock recently by being told I needed to get chemotherapy. I had surgery 4 years ago, but chemo is a new experience for me. 

The nurses in the hospital are doing a great job managing each aspect and I have good support from family, friends, and my employer. The consultant is very confident that I will be clear post-treatment. 

I have completed round 1 out of 4 rounds. So far and touch wood the main side effect is the tiredness/fatigue, The treatment itself is carried out as in-patient treatment over 5 days which is tough in this Covid world where visitors are not permitted (my wife works next door!). 

The hardest part so far is probably the 5 day stretch in the hospital without seeing people from the outside world except via video call. I do have concerns around coping with hair loss should this happen (haven't noticed anything yet). 

I welcome any tips that others might have. 


  • Hi Peter

    I'm sorry to read that after being clear for 4 years you are now back having treatment again.

    I see that you were diagnosed with testicular cancer so I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you also post your question in that group. If you'd like to do that clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there where hopefully you'll get replies from others who have had chemotherapy for that type of cancer.

    I hope the treatment goes well.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hi Peter, I am sorry to hear you have to have Chemo and its stay in ,this is made even harder due to covid restriction at the moment .My Son is having the same treatment as you 4 lots of 5 days in with boosters in between as a day patient. He is also really struggling with the 5 days in , we face time at 10.30 am and 5.00 pm this helps break the day up for him .My niece also made him the most amazing care package when he goes in it has puzzles,colouring with funny comments init (some rather rude!lol)jst to help him relax & smile ,chocolate,favourite sweets,head cooling patches for migraines,lip balm,tiger balm.He did take his lap top in also to help pass some time. Also as you go through the treament you will probly sleep more . Maybe a jigsaw if u like them kind of things? Audio books are also great .I hope this helps and all the best with your recovery ! X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Vanillaslice, 

    Thank you for the reply. I am sorry to hear that your son has to have treatment. It sounds like the face time calls help and the care package that your niece made up sounds very nice. I hope his treatment isn't too hard on him and that he recovers soon. 

    I just finished my fourth round of treatment last week. During the earlier rounds, I used my laptop to watch Netflix, but I found the fourth round harder than the other three (more tiredness & nausea) so I just used the TV in the hospital room and slept when I could. I was in regular contact with family (wife, brothers, parents) on voice and video calls. 

    I have a scan in 3 weeks time on the 24th of February to check that everything is clear so fingers crossed. 
