Canceled the surgery

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  • 12 subscribers

Hello,my dad has diagnosed with bladder cancer T2 G3 on 13th of July this year,on September he had first chemotherapy and they stopped after first section because his kidneys didn’t support then they made the appointment for bladder removed and my dad chose  Neo bladder 

Emotional and psychical he is down, he didn’t accept any help from us ,he always said he is healthy and he has not cancer.He should have tomorrow his surgery and he made us another surprise he canceled his surgery.He went for the blood test and he spoke on hospital and explain what he is feeling and they canceled, my question is if he is changed his mind they will made another appointment or he lost this chance?

  • Hi and welcome to the community. Sorry to hear about your dad and the issues he has been going through.

    His oncology team would normally work with him whatever he decides though those decisions can be very hard.

    Often people find it difficult to accept help and sometimes we do not want to feel we are a burden especially to the people we love most. When Janice was first diagnosed she was very clear she did not want a prognosis and I really struggled with that - now however I realise that she was right as she confounds even the experts.

    It sounds like your dad knows you are there and knows you will help when needed - that must feel very helpful to him, when he needs that help I am sure he will let you know in the meantime the best help is probably to help keep life as normal as possible - though covid is a right pain!



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