Hair loss!

  • 10 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi, I am having chemo again  after my small bowel cancer spread nearly 3 years after my first treatment and operation.  Hair loss  was not an issue for me last time and I was aware of possible hair thinning from the chemo I’m now on.  Hair  came out  in my hands when washed the other day (and the bathroom floor took some time to clean afterwards) and I am now awaiting a wig voucher from my CNS in the post.  I am surprised that hair is not coming out at night on my pillow and was wondering what experiences other may have had with regards to hair loss and timings - eg how long before loss if hair was noticeable by others and whether it may be best to shave my head to save the constant clean ups, etc. 

  • Hi I think hair loss is very variable. In my first treatments 16 years ago I remember a head tingle after the second chemo, and then my hair starting coming out in handfuls. This time, it was after the 3rd chemo but it had already started to thin. I had it shaved both times and felt much better for it. Worrying about it all the time is not good. Then headcoverings are many and varied - some great hats, scarves, turbans etc out there. Both times I got a wig, but found them really irritating and so mainly just wore scarves etc which  could co-ordinate with clothes if I wanted. It is coming up to winter so, outside,a hat is warm and "normal" for everyone. Good luck with it, and dont let  losing your hair be the end of the world, it really isnt and when it regrows it gives a great chance to try a new look.

  • Thanks ownedbystaffies for your response sharing your experiences, I’ve just had my second chemo. I’m still contemplating a big shave ASAP but it is such a big decision isn’t it? Following your advice I shall look at hair wraps and scarves and dig out my hats stored in the attic! 

  • FormerMember

    Hello everyone! First time ever doing anything on a forum/chat site. When I was told I had to have chemo, after the shock, I decided I would control when I lost my hair and not let the treatment/cancer chose the time.  I ordered a wig early on and when it arrives with the hairdresser she will be coming out to shave my curly bob and fit the wig.  This feels right for me but may not be for everyone;  I just felt I needed to take some control.  That being said I'm not looking forward to it.  

  • Hi

    Welcome to the forums then. Sorry you have to be here, but you will find support. Taking control is a good thing in some aspects of treatment, and your hair/ loss is one you can. Hope you like the wig once it comes, and I would suggest you also explore the range of scarves etc out there - sometimes in the house, having a nice soft bamboo cap or scarf just feels more relaxing.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    I am experimenting with scarves and stuff....can't get the hang of them yet but I will.  I think I shall have to buy pre-tied ones!  I have bought some soft caps for home and sleeping in too. I figured that this is one of the few things I could control and being a control freak........

    Thanks for the welcome, I have been on macmillan site for info and thought I would join for  extra, anonymous,  support too. 

  • Hi SueBy I took the same control last Friday and asked my brother to shave my head before visiting a wig salon. Putting the wig on correctly had been  easier than I thought although I take it off swiftly when home. I just currently wear my daughter’s Beanie hat when out the garden or when I can’t be bothered with the wig. I did order a ‘chemo’ cap from Amazon but soon sent that back as it looked awful! I can’t be bothered so far to consider scarfs but your suggestion of pre-tied ones sounds a good idea! Good luck with your new wig. Picture of mine attached. 

  • FormerMember

    Anyone to chat to now 

  • FormerMember

    Anyone to chat to now 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to alsopkj

    Morning.  Glad to hear your words, thanks. I have bought sleep caps for around the house which seem to be really nice and comfy with hair so I will find out next Wednesday if they are without hair! The hairdresser is bringing the wig next week, she's going to shave my head as I am not sure i could do it without knicking myself. Couldn't see your picture (I think I am just not looking in the right place !) but I am sure you look positively gorgeous.  I now have 3 hours to do something with my fuzzy head of curls which look like I have put tumbleweed from a western on my head! I am at a funeral and need to look slightly more presentable.... Thanks again for responding x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, sorry you didn't get a reply. Hope all is ok? I am intermittently around today. Sue