Working after cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Following my recovery 6 years ago I returned to work part time. This was possible with the financial support of my husband. I am now divorced and lost my job due to Covid. I’m 60 years old I receive £582 per month for everything including my rent. I’ve never claimed before and this was a shock. They now want me to search for a job but want to know why I can’t work 39 hours a week. What do I say?  There’s nothing wrong with me I just fall asleep after 4 hours working due to my fatigue. Do you think a doctor would give me some proof. I feel so silly asking. 

  • Hi Dee1959, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from fatigue still, I am still on cancer treatment 5 years after my diagnosis and took early retirement so I haven’t the first hand experience of approaching your doctor that you’re looking for but I know the Macmillan site very well. I clicked on your group button, and see that you also joined the life after cancer group which might be more likely to connect you to people who have gone through the same thing, and there is an ask an expert section, which has work advisers, I will put the link in.

    I have worked on improving my fatigue /tiredness with more exercise, and pacing myself so that I don’t have go through a boom and bust pattern, ( edited. I Just noticed you said your one year younger than me). I was thinking the Macmillan work support people might be able to help with the procedural advice of looking for work and what support is available, and talk you through fit notes and employment rights and if you want to and if it’s possible to do more about your fatigue put you in contact with Macmillan colleagues who could advise on that side of things.

    I have recently been watching the TV series on channel 4 The Yorkshire Jobcentre and how helpful they are, so I hope things work out for you.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dee1959, Please speak to your doctor. I was in the same situation  and my doctor was incredible, giving me a sick line for 4 months at a time. Have you applied for ESA, this is a benefit that isn't widely know about but you may be entitled to it. Have you discussed the possibility of receiving PIP [formerly  DLA]. Your doctor can give all the evidence needed for these benefits. Good luck. Connie xx

  • Hi ,

    As a cancer sufferer, even if recovered, you are covered by the disability laws.  This may also have some implications for your situation and what the benefits people can insist upon.

    I would suggest that you ring the Macmillan helpline and talk to them.  They have a wealth of experience of dealing with such matters and will be able to advise you in all these areas.  They can advise you about your rights in respect of how much you are able to decide what is acceptable for you.  They will go through a series of questions with you which might uncover areas of support or assistance available which you might not have been aware that you could access.  They can then advise you about benefits and any other entitlements or support you might be able to access.  You can contact them on 0808 808 00 00  between 8am and 8pm each day.  I have contacted them previously myself and can highly recommend them.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Gragon xx