Mothers treatment

  • 1 reply
  • 11 subscribers

Hi everyone,  I hope I've chosen the correct group but I'm looking for a little advise.  Today my Mum was told that her cancer has spread some more and her doctor (she is currently in hospital) is going to get in contact with her Oncologist to come up with a treatment plan before moving her to the cancer care hospital but she was previously told that her cancer was incurable and someone would be coming round to speak to her about palliative care today.  My question is,  is this normal?  Would they be discussing treatments at the same time as organising end of life care.  Its left me very confused about what her diagnosis actually is.  

Thank you for any answers

Kind regards

  • FormerMember

    Update:  she has had her meeting and was told she would go to an appointment at the cancer care hospital and then go home but now her nurses in her current ward are saying this isn't the case and that she will be going back and forth to appointments from her ward,  so hospital to hospital and back again by ambulance