My mother has just been diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hello all,

I am reaching out to you with the only hope I have left on this earth to save my mother. Just a month ago I returned home to visit her after a while being in lockdown in London. I found a different mum to the one I always knew..weaker and somehow lost in her own thoughts. After a few days she started to feel sicker. We initially thought it was her high blood pressure so we took her to the hospital. A nightmare fell over us all when the doctors told us she had a stroke as they initially believed. Not long after we were told that the doctors suspected cancer, however they dismissed it recommending MRI and further checks. We somehow managed to learn how to live with this and started planning rehabilitation after her discharge. Not long after her discharge she started feeling sick again so we took her back to the hospital. The worst nightmare started as we were again told that she suffers from metastatic cancer that has spread to her brain. We received the results from CT scan that she has lung cancer. I am devastated having to see her suffering. My mum is one of the kindest human beings. She struggled and sacrificed her whole live to raise me and my brother to become the people we are today. We are running against time in despair to find the best solution for her and to try to save her. I don't know where to go and l cry my eyes out when she is asleep so she doesn't see me. I am hoping that any if you could lead me to an answer of where she could get help urgently.


  • Hi  and welcome to the online community

    I'm very sorry to hear that your mum has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to her brain and it's completely understandable how you are feeling at the moment.

    As the community is divided up into groups, I'm going to suggest a few for you to join. The first are the Lung cancer forum and Secondary brain cancer forum where you can ask questions around treatment, share experiences and get support from others who have a similar diagnosis to your mum.

    I'm also going to suggest that you join the Carers only forum which is a safe and supportive place to discuss your worries with others who are looking after a loved one with cancer.

    To join any or all of these groups just click on the links I've created and then choose 'click to join' on the pages that open. You can then introduce yourself and post questions after selecting '+New' or '+' (depending on the device you're using) and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'. 

    When you feel up to it, it would be really useful if you could pop something about your mum's journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You could copy and paste most of what you've said here into your profile or take a look at mine by clicking on my username to see the sort of thing you could add.

    Sending a supportive ((hug))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • A couple of things stand out.  

    You don't mention a biopsy result or a PET scan and those would guide diagnosis and treatment to some extent.  

    If your mum does have primary lung cancer, brain mets often respond well to radiotherapy.  This may be an option for giving her symptomatic relief even if the primary mass cannot be treated.

    You don't mention what has been proposed by her oncology team.  That information would help us help you.