Welcome back

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hello everyone, well I’m glad the site is back up and running, and looking a lot more modern. I was thinking that no one might want to be the first to start a chat is here as it’s all looking a bit new, so I thought I’d break the ice and have a go first. I say that and there may be someone who types faster that is going to beat me to it. 

It seemed really strange seeing the site in read only mode with nothing new going on, when usually the site is so busy. 

Anyway that’s it. I just wanted to share a few thoughts and say hello, please feel free to click in the box below to start writing a reply and then press the reply button to post it, just to have a go Grinning

I came across a link to the help page I thought I’d put it below incase it helps.


Best wishes KT

  • You're right it was strange just being in read mode! I felt like I been banned for bad behaviour or something Wink it did take me some time to get back though-  I managed through facebook in the end!!

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi , I’m glad you’ve been able to come off the naughty step Wink and find yourself in a comfy group, I was beginning to feel I was in here on my own. 

    I haven’t tried to connect through Facebook, I’m doing it the more old fashioned email way, but I can imagine that through Facebook might be quick and easy and is really new for the site.

    The community team I see have done a link to frequently ask questions and the help section so that will help others if they have problems getting on or finding their way around. I just thought this post might help people try out a post. When I first joined the site a few years ago I took months before I replied to a post. I think for a bit I was just happy to read the posts but it’s so much better when people join in when someone does post so thank you. 

    Take care KT

  • Been back on the step lol!!! Now off for bit but got a cushion ready gor my next sitting in time out Joy

    Tomorrow is another day