Road to Recovery

  • 6 replies
  • 13 subscribers

I would like to share some positive news to other members of this forum who are either suffering or caring for someone with brother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer way back in 2017 and was given 6 months to survive...After two operations and embarking on clinical trials from America... he is finally winning the battle as the tumour is no longer visible YAY!!!..thankyou The Christie and all your dedicated staff and I'd like to thank my brother for being so brave and never giving up.

  • FormerMember

    Lovely news

    Thank you for sharing and giving others hope that an Expiry date can be turned into a Best Before date Rainbow

    Take Care, G n' J

  • Thanks for sharing this good news

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • In a few days it will be 5 years since I was told my cancer was incurable. I’m still here courtesy of the NHS Rainbow.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    That really is incredible news KTatHome and is certainly a cause for celebration.  I'll  bet every single second during that time has been precious and you've not taken anything for granted?  Have you packed into it all the things you wanted to do but never found the time? A dear friend of mines wife has cancer and he developed a voice and said that nothing can phase him now as his priorities have changed and worrying about mediocre trivia has gone outta the window.  Thanks everyone who commented on my first post...

  • Hi Really good news about your brother and you must be so pleased that things are going well. I wanted to add to the good news for others.

    I haven’t had celebrating on my radar really, as shielding continues for me until 1/8 but your post made me look up my old notes for dates of hospital admissions and scans and dates of results, and declare I’m nearly at 5 years. Not the 5 years cancer free that often people celebrate. I’m not cancer free but I’m still here and well, still receiving treatment and three monthly scans. I’m not a bucket list person, so no packing things in, I’m feeling I’ve got time no rush. I remember a time when I felt this would be my last Christmas, or birthday, because of having at one time a less than 12 months prognosis, and as those milestones have passed it gives more confidence and time to appreciate what’s around you and who is with you. It’s impossible to live like every moment is your last for too long that would be so tiring and stressful. Acceptance of the uncertainty any blips in treatment and carrying on as normal but making sure there is enjoyment in each day.

    I noticed is was your first post and that this was the only group you joined. I wondered if you had had a look around the site, and if you were sticking around you might like to join the friends and family group.

    Completing a profile is voluntary but helps people see where you’re owing from, the help section gives some info on how to complete one.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • Congratulations

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.