What is the oddest thing that a friend has admitted to you whilst they were drunk? It can either be in person or by message

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I was talking to  my one of my old male friends,who I've known since our first year in college, (which was way   back in 1999) on messenger sometime last year and he said that wishes that we were still together (we dated for a short time a few months after he and one of my female college friends had split) as I had mentioned something to him about my  middle sister and her partner have been together for 20 years last October and he said that he wishes that were still together after I had said that to him.

I messaged him the next day and I had asked him if he had meant what he had said to me the night before and he had said that he'd been drinking and was very drunk and I'd told him that I didn't care about him being drink the night before as all I'd wanted to know was if he had meant what he had said the night before and he had said that he'd meant it.

  • Hi , nothing springs to mind, but your story does remind me of one of my daughters who I suspected fancied someone in her first year at uni and 5 years later they actually started going out together. So if romance does bloom between you again please let us know. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi ,

    I'm engaged and my friend has a partner too.

  • Ahh, a touch awkward then !! 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Yep. My fiance knows that I used talk to my friend on messenger, but he doesn't have it on his phone anymore.

  • It doesn't quite fit the brief as someone told me something unexpected and it was then me who was embarrassed.  When I was in my twenty's I lived in a small village in County Durham with one pub.  I was there one night with my friends and as you do in your twenty's I was getting quite drunk.

    Than landlord of the pub used to pour himself a half pint of beer at the start of the night and as the night when on he topped it up with whisky putting just enough beer in to give it a head.  He thought that by doing this no-one would realise how much he was drinking.  It didn't fool anyone and he was drinking a minimum of a bottle of whisky a day.  He was however a very good landlord and a nice person.

    He decided that I should be the person that he admitted his alcoholism to despite (or maybe because of the fact) that I was half cut.  I listened to him carefully and suggested that he might want to try contacting the AA as they were probably the best place to start.

    The night developed into a lock in and it was about 1 or 2 am when I finally left.  He unlocked the back door for me and advised me to be careful as they had just received a delivery of a trailer load of logs but hadn't had the opportunity to put them in the wood shed yet.  I thanked him and then reminded him that talking to the AA was probably a good idea, I turned around and fell over a six foot pile of logs that I hadn't seen despite just being reminded of them.  It highlighted the irony of my advising a functional alcoholic when I myself was drunk and incapable, did I feel like a prat.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx