Corona Craziness!

  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers

So, this stupid virus has ruined my yearly haircut schedule. I usually have two a year, one about now as things start to warm up, so that I don't overheat as often, and one around October - Christmas to smarten myself up a bit again.

But of course, hairdressers are closed at the moment, and the minute they open I'm sure all the more high maintenance men and women will be getting booked in first. So we're probably looking at another few months before I'm getting in for a haircut, probably closer to my October one in fact! Lol. 

So, I figure stuff it, let's try and cut my hair myself! This is not something I've ever considered doing since I was a toddler, so it definitely classes itself as corona Craziness!

Wish me luck, and tell me, what crazy things have you thought 'fuck it!' about and just gone for because of the virus?



  • FormerMember


    So apart from the working in the garden we haven't been out since the 16th March, but had to say 'f*ck it' and take the cat to the vets on Friday.

    Bloody 17 year old whizzkid caught a squirrel on Thursday - we managed to prize his 'throat death grip' mouth apart to release it but he got bitten for his troubles. Friday morning he looked like he had a golf ball in the side of his mouth.

    Anti-bio jab plus tablets and £81 lighter we got back home and promptly stopped his pocket money.

    Hope your self style session goes well Lass, you can always practice on the cat first Hugging

    Hugs, G n' J

  • Heya! Long time no speak! *Hugs*

    Well, I just have you beaten! It was the 10th of March I was last out, and it wasn't even to anywhere exciting! It was a bloomin Diabetes prevention class! Lol. Week before though I was out at Cabaret, so that was good. 

    Hope the squirrel worrier is OK and the antibiotics do their thing! I thought that I'd have to do the same last week, after my 3 year old decided that bees were the best thing EVER! And because I was trying to fight him off while trying to get the bee back outside, once he had it in his mouth he ran off to chomp on it. I was sure it would sting him between being caught and being chomped, but apparently not!

    I'm actually quite impressed with my self cut. It looks fairly similar to what I look like after the hairdressers. So it might just be self cuts from now on! Save myself around £50 a go. My bleach arrived yesterday, and there should be colour in the post somewhere. So it will soon be getting a new double colour too - but bleaching and colouring I regularly do myself, so I'm not worried about that so much!





    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    You made a really good job of that   Think of all the plants and ingredients £50 will buy Sunflower Rose Cake

    Hate to think of the end result if I cut my hair, have enough hassle shaving Crossed swords

    Cat is fine eyeing up Magpies instead now and watching birds explaining the 2 Metres rule.

    Enjoy what's left of the weekend, Hugs, G n' J