Bladder cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers

Hi all

I have just been diagnosed with muscle invasive cancer stage 3, was booked for a radical cystectomy, now postponed due to covid19

I feel very lucky my team have decided to give me chemoradiotheropy to kill off the cancer and 3 monthly scans with TURBT if required

This gives me a bit of time and hopefully this covid19 will pass quickly enough for me to have surgery

What a scary time for all of us

Stay safe all

  • Hi . I saw a post of yours earlier where you say you are not very computer minded, so I hope you don’t mind me asking if you meant to post this in the bladder cancer group. I can see that you’ve joined that one as well as this group. I think you are more likely to get a knowledgeable reply from there from someone with bladder experience in fact there’s a recent one about a TURBT op. 

    This group says at the top you can discuss anything and everything but as each cancer also has a group of its own it tends to be used for more chatty things for patients and carers alike, that every cancer group can relate to. I suppose covid19 is affecting us all but in different ways. I’ve watched Not the nine o’clock news tonight, and it’s one programme where I think an audience improves the atmosphere, and enjoyment of the programme. It was surreal to see all the panel and host sitting in their own homes. It’s starting to get weird seeing people on TV walking close to one another, I had a blood test today and I had to travel to a different Drs surgery in a different village to have it done, not the hospital and they were letting us in one at a time at our designated time and three of us sat 2m apart until we were moved into different rooms, but I was glad to get out of the house after 2 weeks of only being at home or in the garden. 

    Im sorry to hear your treatments been postponed at the moment it must be difficult for the drs deciding which treatments should be postponed to lessen any covid19 risk and which one should go ahead with the risk. I know I went through a weekend of worrying either way. 

    Best wishes

    Take care KT