Got my food parcel today.

  • 10 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi all i am Ray from the Lung group, at 7 am i got my food parcel which i never asked for nor filled in any forms, all i did last week on Thursday was put my name on Gov.UK site, and my hos number, the reason i did put my name on site was so i could get quicker deli slots which i have not yet got, i can dod a list if you would like to know what i got.

I am in London and sir name starts with a C, if it means a rota?

  • Hi Ray,

    If you answered “yes” to the question about whether you needed help with food deliveries, then you’ll be on the list for food parcel deliveries. Was it a helpful package?

    The supermarket online delivery thing is not working very well. I am aware Sainsbury’s customers have been contacted, hopefully the other big supermarkets will contact their extremely vulnerable customers shortly to offer delivery slots. The only way you can get a slot at the moment is if you stay up until 2am and have about 5 devices on the go at the same time, which is not fair.

    All the best


  • Sainsburys customers have only been contacted if they are old, or if they had previously made use of something I'd never heard of before. 

    They then opened a line to self register that it was impossible to get through on. Now they've changed it, and despite saying priority slots for the eldrrly, vulnerable, and disabled - it's currently not. It's only for the people on the government list and slots are closed to everyone else. Leaving those of us who live alone and are disabled, up the creek without a paddle.

    Luckily, last week I found a random local supplier of fruit and veg, and got up early so that as soon as they opened their website I nabbed a veg box and a fruit box! Otherwise, I'm not sure what I'd do.

    But I am intrigued as to what was in the government box if you don't mind sharing? 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    The list, bare in mind spelling crap'o

    one of each

    bread, rice crispes, large tin of friut cocktail , mushy peas, 5 apples, 5 tangerines, bag carrots, bag spuds large type, packet of pasta, long life milk, large tomato sauce for pasta, 10 tea bags, 10 coffee 1 cup packs,  bake beanz x 4,  tomato soup x 4, chopped tomatoes, tin tuna, tin corned beef, 5 packs of 2x biscuits, small body wash, and few shapo, and bars of soap, 1 rice micowave , most good makes like heinz.

    No beer choc or wine Thinking


  • Hi Ray, , how was it delivered to you, was it the postie or a delivery driver.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

     Delivery driver, just 2 guys in a van, nice as well, will put it where you want.


  • FormerMember

    Another one today was left outside my door, i am ok atm for food so lady next door will get a lot of it as she is house bound and has home help, if this is weekly now i need to know how to stop it, i will talk to drivers next week maybe.

    Has any of you had this yet? As i never asked for it and don't remember ticking any box's.

    Ray lung group 

  • Hi Ray,

    I also got a food parcel last week (Monday), however I decided I don’t not need it weekly. It says to reregister to say you don’t need help with food deliveries which I did on Tuesday of last week. I also got up to a food parcel on my doorstep today. I phoned the council to see if it was them that had delivered the parcels, explained what has gone on, she said she would get the driver to phone me to tell me if it was to be picked up if I don’t need it. So far no phone call, though I don’t know how he can collect it as it has now been in my home, just have to see what happens next weekRolling eyes

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Justme19

    Thanks Julie i don't think mine from council as they called me last week to ask me if i want them to bring me some and i said no as  are doing it ,so about it, will talk to drivers next week.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Justme19


    New to this site. I also have tried to cancel my wife's food parcel because we have since found a willing neighbor to do our shopping. I have phoned the local council who suggest I go back on line or telephone and cancel, both of which have proved to be impossible due to the cancelling facility simply not being there as indicated. So I have opted to use a local charity who have agreed to pick up my next parcel subject to my phoning them as soon as I receive it.This would seem a highly satisfactory solution to this increasingly common problem initiated by an over site by the NHS in their well meaning attempt to help people unable to go out to do their own shopping in person for fear of catching this very wretched disease. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    An add on to food parcel today I received an easter egg and pack of mini eggs in a big bag lol, letter said from council because of on the gov list.

    Ray Lung groupy