Have tnbc and have found a lump in my other breast

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi I have triple negative breast cancer and have found a lump the size of a pea in my other breast. I was having ec but it wasnt as successful as they hoped so they brought forward my paxitacil and carboplatin treatment. Im really worried I am seeing my oncologist but really worried its spread. Does anyone have any similar experiences? X

  • Hi , welcome to the online community, I’m sorry to hear about of your diagnosis and recent worry. I can see that you are new to the site and have joined this group and the Triple negative group. The chat group is often about general discussions that affect all cancers patients or for chat to forget about cancer for a while. I have a different cancer metastatic melanoma so my cancer had already spread when it was diagnosed, I can understand your worry and uncertainty about thinking it might have spread but no experience of your cancer type which it sounds like you’re reaching out for. How about copying and pasting your question into the triple negative group or the breast cancer group I’m pretty sure the friendly people there will have some words of either wisdom or support for you. 

    In the meantime I can offer a virtual hug as I know what it’s like waiting for appointments and results. I try to distract myself as much as possible and try and put my worries aside until I know I can get an official answer, but that is sometimes easier said than done, but sometimes just reaching out helps.

    when joining here it helps for everyone to put a bit in their profile, so that when people reply to you you can look at theirs to get a bit of perspective, and for people replying they often check your profile to see if there is any extra info to take into account. You can put in as much or as little as you want. There  is a section about completing a profile, I’ve put the link below for you to click on to get there faster, my extra tip is to scoot right down to the bottom of the link as well as reading the bit on the side, as I have missed it before 


    I hope you find the reassurance or support your after.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi KT

    Thank you for your reply and sending a big virtual hug back x