Sleep !

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  • 12 subscribers

Daughter of father with bowel cancer mast. to stomach and just today found out it is now in his liver. 

Can anyone remember what it feels like to sleep at night Weary ?! 

  • Hi , welcome to the online community, I’m sorry to hear about your Dad, and it’s very understandable your having trouble sleeping at the moment. I’m glad you’ve joined a few groups. I have been awaiting scan results recently and a few nights have had trouble getting to sleep. I usually try and limit my worry time to a time around 6pm, so that I’ve got them out of my head before bed time. When they creep back at night I have recently tried some breathing exercises and some mindfulness visualisation of a peaceful walk to get me to sleep. There are a few mindfulness apps around my husband used a headspace one. I’m currently on a Macmillan course for the next few weeks and they talked us through the technique. 

    I’m hoping since you posted that you’ve had some rest as you need to look after yourself to. The Macmillan information and support pages have been good for me to look through through. I wondered if you had come across them. I’ll put a general link just in case it helps just below.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT