
  • 6 replies
  • 12 subscribers

I feel like a bit of a fraud posting here. My cancer story is so small compared to others. Cervical cancer so total hysterectomy then a few months later breast cancer with lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy and radiotherapy. All looking good so I should be delighted. 
I feel a bit lost. Xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi it hits people from any direction your truly amazing to share your story on here is a plus well done for sharing your story we are with you here anytime 

  • Hi

    You might find it helpful to repost in the "Life after cancer" group, where you'll find others in a similar position to yourself n so they can discuss how things are with you.

    Best wishes,


    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi you might find it helpful to repost in the "Life after cancer"group where there are ppl in a similar situation as yourself n so can discuss how you're feeling 

    Best wishes,


    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember


    Warm welcome to the other 'Big Mac' club, noticed Nolan and Buttercup have replied and given you a great piece of advice already.

    I wouldn't call your cancer story small - You have coped with two for a start; that's just plain greedy Innocent after all that no wonder you feel a bit lost.

    It's all very common trying to find your new normal post cancer; Cast adrift from the health service to get on with it and missing your safety net, losing trust in your body and wondering what other surprises it may have in store :-/

    Pleased you have made it here though, if only to let you know the way you are feeling is totally normal.

    This clickable link will take you to the Life After Cancer Group where you can have a browse through some of the topics, then join the group and start a new discussion asking about moving on post cancer if you feel it may help chatting with others.

    You could have a read through this by Dr Peter Harvey it helped us come to terms with what the heck just happened, hopefully it will help you too.

    Hope this is if some help, take care, G n' J

  • Thanks


    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember

    Hi MoLong

    You are certainly not a fraudster..I know exactly where you are at!

    I had bowel cancer last summer and resection followed by liver resection..thank goodness liver spots werent cancer.. still feel lost if Im honest..trying so hard to get life back to normal..although this wont ever be case as I have paralysed diaphragm and collapsed lung from liver surgery...think we put too much pressure on ourselves as do others...others look at you and say you look great..and fab the cancers gone...people have no idea of the turmoil youre going through....god knows how long it goes on...Maybe talking about how you feel might any time if you fancy chatting xx