How can I make Christmas special for my family this year?

  • 2 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hello all,

I've just learned that I'm almost certainly going to be in hospital over Christmas - I've had a bit of a bumpy ride with chemo and a splenectomy and now picked up a UTI / kidney infection and have been told that I will probably need to be in for 3 days.

I feel really bad that I'm spoiling Christmas for everyone and I wish I could do something to make the day happy and special for everyone in spite of the problems... but I don't know what, in view of the practical limitations! 

If anyone has any nice ideas of what I could do to make my lovely husband, beautiful 2 year old daughters, amazing mother in law, hugely helpful father in law and sister in law's days a little bit special...while confined to a hospital ward... I would be very very grateful!

J xxx

  • Hi Jess 1111 so very sorry to hear that you have been unwell and may miss Xmas with your family.

    However, I suspect that your family, each and every one of them, will be wanting you to get well and that will be special enough for all of them without you having to worry trying to make it special for others.

    Time to focus on you for now and get well soon so that the postponed xmas celebrations can take place at a later date.

    Meantime Im sending some huge xmas hugs your way for now. xxxxx


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GRANNY59

    That's such a nice thing to say, and I know it's probably true, but I just feel guilty that I'm spoiling Christmas for everyone! But I will focus on getting well and hopefully we can at least have a NYE celebration Slight smile