My blog

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I have had the misfortune of being diagnosed with cancer twice, initially breast then 5 years later endometrial (womb). Fortunately there is now no evidence of disease. I recently started writing a blog about my experiences, coping mechanisms, etc. If anyone would like to read it, the link is below. If my blog helps just one person, it has achieved what I wanted. Thank you all.

  • Hi , What have you personally found you got out of writing your blog?

    I started to write a blog aswell, I did mine to help any others who might get some help from my experiences but mainly for myself to get my thoughts out of my head. I was diagnosed as incurable in 2015, but became no evidence of disease in 2017 and the same cancer returned in 2018 which is when I started my blog recapping how I got to to the place where I was so disappointed and moving forward to where I’m no evidence again but still on treatment. 

    If anyone wants to start their own blog of their experience on the Macmillan site, the help section gives a few tips

    I found it therapeutic, I’m no journalist or medical professional, and I haven’t spent time editing just letting things flow. How did you come to start yours? 

    Take care KT