Change of user name

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi to all who know me. I've changed my user name from flOralW0man to buttercup01, easier to type n I can b a bit of a cow at times too - chewing the cud, full of hot air n  so on. So if you're wondering where I've gone, I'm still here, just hiding under yet another pseudonym ..

  • Hi , I wholeheartedly agree that it’s much easier to type, and for me it conjures ups thoughts of sitting on a picnic blanket chatting away and trying to see if the buttercup reflects its colour under your chin....I can’t remember what it’s suppose to mean though if it does or doesn’t. What it doesn’t conjure up though is you being a bit of a cow !!

    The urban slang dictionary says the following for cow, “urban slang for an annoying, stupid and/or bitchy woman”, which I am happy to say is not you as I’ve always found your posts to be really supportive, gosh I’m hoping there’s not a dark side lurking somewhere!! 

    Of course there’s always the song Build me up Buttercup........Musical noteMusical note

    Take care KT

  • Thanks!!

    I recent bought a bright yellow fleece lined hooded sweatshirt type  jacket from Sainsbury's  sale-  all of £3.50. Another reason or the buttercup01

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.