  • 14 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hello im 28 and was recently diagnosed with DCIS. The mass is measuring at 6.3cm so quite big for me as i have a slim build and small breasts. Ive been given two options for surgery, lumpectomy or masectomy. I have been given the hardest decision to make and i feel so lost right now i really dont know what to do. Is there anyone similar to my age that has had to go through the same. Im weighing up the pros and cons of each procedure and im struggling to decide whats best for me. Please can someone give me some advice!! 

  • Hi Jo

    I hope you've been doing well?

    So sorry for the delay, I have had surgery + moved house in this last month, my life feels very surreal right now.

    Thank you so much for letting me know. I have now talked to my surgeon and, if possible, she will help me trying to preserve my nipple. I think she plans to do the same thing as your doctor. Fingers crossed.

    I'm so happy for you, hope it's all healed and you're feeling great. I think you can get symmetrisation surgery at some point, if you are interested in making your breasts look more alike. I've been looking into it for myself, that's what I plan to do if I have to go down that route.

    My best wishes to you,

    Axelle x

  • Hi 

    I've been reading this thread and wanted to reach out to you.  I also had a 1.5cm lump with DCIS around it and had to go in for a re excision which thankfully was successful. 

    I was 34 at the time and although that breast doesn't look the same as he other it looks fine in a bra and thar helps me enormously. 

    How are you doing by now? I was diagnosed March 2018 and happy to chat if you want

    Aimee xx

  • Hi Aimee

    Thank you so much for reaching out  Heart️

    I am doing okay, all things considered. I've had my second surgery last week and I will find out on the 30th if it was successful or not. If not, it'll probably have to be a mastectomy because there isn't much tissue left... I would be thankful to get to keep the skin and nipple, which I think I'll want to do no matter what.

    I'm trying to prepare emotionally for that outcome because hope has not worked in my favour so far. What I'm trying to decide is whether it will be unilateral or bi. I don't want to have to go through this again, and I think the cosmetic result would be better with a double mastectomy as well.

    How about you? I hope you are doing okay. Sending much love your way.

    Axelle xx

  • Sorry for the slow reply, I didn't get a notification.

    I will be thinking of you on the 30th and keeping everything crossed and hopefully it will be successful and no need for more surgery.

    I'll pop you an inbox now and we can private message if you want x