Help I’ve got a drain after mastectomy

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hi lovely’s 

had my surgery Thursday (mastectomy and snb). I’m so spaced out still that I don’t know what Ive done since then. I’m home and on morphine and other meds. I’m told all went well but they had to fit a drain as had to take so much. 

I am severely needle phobic and blood phobic and such a wimp and pathetic that this is causing me more pain and anxiety than anything. Any tips or help? Xxx

Tinker bell xx
  • Hi , hope you are feeling better following your surgery. I too had a drain, the hospital gave me a little bag to carry it around in like a little over the body bag and to be honest I used to just forget about it. It shouldn’t be painful , and after a few days the fluid should be straw coloured. Mine stayed in for nearly 2 weeks and was fine. I think without it I would definitely have ended up with a large seroma. As it was , my wound healed beautifully with no problems. So it may feel a bit strange but pop it in a pretty bag and try to forget about it, it won’t be in long and it will hopefully save you from having any problems with wound healing . 

  • Thank you. I have a bag but I’m pathetic I know it’s there  

    I think what doesn’t help me is that the hospital said they dont usually put drains in so we had no chat before or prep etc. 

    I understand they have put one in as was larger area to remove tHan anticipated. 

    I think it’s mostly in my head. But I’m oanicing cos I keep coughing and convinced my drain will shoot out or stitches

    Tinker bell xx
  • Ah well if it helps, mine was stitched And glued in so it shouldn’t move at all , have you got the district nurse coming?

  • No I have got to ring up this morning to breast unit and let them know measurements of fluids over last 48 hours. 

    Im so worried about when they take it out, do they give you anaesthetic or anything? 

    Tinker bell xx
  • No, mine was well glued in so that was the worst bit , you can’t feel the drain coming out at all. If there’s less than 30mls per day draining then it can come out. It was standard practice for my surgeon to put in a drain , it really helped with the healing post mastectomy .xx

  • Hi ,

    I had two drains in for two weeks, I found them a pain tbh. You really don’t feel anything when they are taken out though. Drains are pretty standard in my area. I think they should still have warned you they could be used.

    Coughing wont make them come out, I yanked mine by accident but they didn’t come out. Try not to worry.

  • Thank you so much for your reply. I overthink every thing. I’ve made myself ill over it. 


    Tinker bell xx
  • , I hate to think you have been ill over this. I hope you can try to just relax and soon the drains will be out and that part of your treatment is over and it’s a step towards getting better.

    Here if you ever need to talk. T x

  • Had drains out this afternoon- most horrific experience ever. Nurse was even upset for me she said she hadn’t seen anything like it, they were in 6 inch and my skin had started to heal around the plastic. I was hysterical in pain and am very very sore now. 

    I am struggling with all this so much 


    Tinker bell xx
  • ,

    Omg this is awful, I don’t have a phobia of needle or things like that, however I think with all what has happened to me I’m  starting too have a dread of hospitals and everything that goes with it.

    It must have been horrendous for you, I’m so sorry you had this experience and are still in pain. I’m so glad that this part is over for you. Try to rest up, grab a good book/ binge watch a tv series get a hot chocolate/ tea, some pain killers and relax.

    Hugs Tina x