Breast Cancer Diagnosis - New Mum

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  • 15 subscribers

32 years old; diagnosed with ER positive, HER2 negative breast cancer.

Have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow to discuss my treatment plan.

I have a 6 month old daughter and I am worried the side effects of treatment will prevent me being able to look after her

Anyone else with small babies - how did you/are you managing?

  • It sounds really shallow of me but that is a big worry for me when I start chemo.

    i know it’s saving my life but it’s such a massive thing for us isn’t it.

    Im okay, I’ve been very emotional today, it’s all starting to sink in now. My algorithm on Instagram and TikTok seems to all be cancer related and it’s really getting me down so trying to stay off social media for now xx 

  • It was the same for me. I found it harder than surgery. With the amount I’m losing I’m worried I’ll start getting bald batches. I’m cold capping which has helped me to retain some hair. I’ll have to see how it goes over the next few weeks and hope it slows down. 

  • Yes, I’m the same. I am nervous about surgery but I’m okay with it.

    i just keep thinking in less than a week the cancer will be out of me and it’s one step closer to being healthy again.

    Can everyone do cold capping for chemo?

    fingers crossed it slows down for you.

  • I was very nervous and anxious as I’ve never had surgery before and was worried about the anaesthetic and waking up mid way through the operation. Recovery wasn’t as bad as I expected and the pain was manageable. Yes everyone can. If you’re having EC it may not work as well but you don’t know until you try it. Some people still lose their hair and some people keep 50% or more. 

  • Hi Claire. How are you getting on now? Have you had your results? 

    I am 39 and have a 5 and 7 year old. I had a wide local excision, LICAP flap and lymph nodes sampling on 26th June. I had a 44mm Grade  1 cancer. I've got my post op results appointment on 5th August. The waiting is awful. I just want the results now.  X 

  • Hiya,

    In some pain. Yes, I am Stage 2, Grade 3.

    I had a lumpectomy and node clearance 3 weeks ago and 1 week ago I had reconstruction surgery. Which I am still in a lot of pain with.

    My tumour was 48mm and had only infected 3 out of 35 Lymph nodes.

    I had my first oncology meeting on Wednesday and will be doing chemo and radiotherapy starting in 3-4 weeks depending on how quickly my wounds heal from surgery.

    The waiting is definately the hardest part!!x

  • Thank you for your reply. You've had your results quickly! That's good. Is that on the NHS or private?  I am so frustrated that I've got to wait 3 more 

    So you had the full axillary node clearance then in the first op? That's good that it's only 3 affected nodes. 

    Yes I find the flap is more sore than the breast seat. I hope you heal quickly.

    I wish you well for your further treatment.  Let me know how you get on. X